Friday, September 29, 2017

How Big Are Your Ears?

Recently I was in a leadership meeting as the agenda gave way to discussing a portion of a book we were all asked to read by the chairman.  The book, It’s Your Ship, was written by a captain and former commander of the US Navy, Captain D. Michael Abrashoff.
As one might imagine, the book navigates through leadership using examples from the Navy, while weaving the same concepts into any organization.  The topic we were to discuss was found near the middle of the book; innovation knows no rank.

Abrashoff points out that officers are TRAINED NOT to listen to their crew or their ideas and concentrate on the issues at hand, a quality of which the captain doesn’t adhere. He believes that “every leader needs big ears and zero tolerance for stereotyping.”

How many ideas, opportunities missed, or solutions have we dismissed solely on who was making the suggestion? As leaders, it’s imperative that we value the voices which surround us and grasp the notion that sometimes it takes 1000 bad ideas to come up with one good one, no matter who is delivering the message.

Be good to yourself…

Friday, September 22, 2017

Mother Nature's Cue

Over the span of my life I have been accused of many things; being a great gardener is not among any of those accusations. That being said, one just needs to visit their favorite garden center to see that fall is known as the “2nd Planting Season”; a time to plant your new shrubs, trees, and bulbs. Interestingly, it’s also the time when we are urged to prune away the dead wood to encourage new growth and promote a healthier plant.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to follow Mother Nature’s cues. What new ideas, procedures, and challenges should you be “planting” in YOUR organization this month? What could you revisit that hasn’t yet bloomed the way you had hoped? Conversely, what needs to be cut back, or all together eliminated as it is draining strength from the entire organization? Or worse…have weeds, disguised as harmless, beautiful additions taken over without you even realizing their destructive intent? Or is your organization is a good place where simple maintenance is needed to ensure continued and sustained growth?

I guess as leaders, we ARE gardeners in a certain fashion. So this fall, dust off your “green thumb” and tend to YOUR garden….

Be good to yourself…

Friday, September 15, 2017

FM 6-22

Recently I came across a publication called FM 6-22 Leader Development. It was published by a cooperation which succinctly outlined:
·       Leader Development and its Purpose
·       Creation of Development Programs
·       Fundamentals for Developing Leaders
·       Self-Developing Processes Including Strengths, Needs, and Goal Setting
·       Developing Character, Judgment, Problem Solving and Adaptability as Situational Leaders
·       Clear Leader Expectations to Provide Feedback and Growth Opportunities
·       Recommended Learning and Development Activities
What struck me was the clear focus of continual renewal and development. As leaders, we are prone to fall in a trap that somehow we “have arrived.” Great leaders continue to grow and develop, and in doing so inspire new leadership from within the ranks. Ralph Nader said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders…not followers.”

I was also struck that I never really thought of this organization as a “leader among developing leaders”, when in reality, it should have been rather obvious as leaders are not born, but developed.

So…what are YOU doing to develop YOUR skills??? Perhaps start with reading FM 6-22 Leader Development…oh…the organization you ask??? You might be surprised…Take a look

Be good to yourself…

Friday, September 8, 2017


Candor is word which I find curious as it is seldom used or witnessed as we try desperately to find the “politically correct” way to address issues as they arise. We struggle finding the perfect words; we worry about hurting feelings, or making things worse rather than just coming out and asking the question everyone in the room wants to ask.

Candor is a quality found in great leaders as they are able to use it to their advantage. They are able to question without accusing, show an open and honest curiosity, and bring clarity to a discussion. Candor used correctly is simply noticing. It isn’t being belligerent, or angry, or being up in somebody’s “grill.”

When used with compassion, candor doesn’t seem harsh or being “nosy” but rather shows a genuine concern as you question to learn, not judge.

It has been said that candor is a risk worth taking, but as with any strategy it takes practice to do it with kindness and clarity. Done correctly it can do nothing but build strong relationships…and we all know…nothing great happens without great relationships…

Be good to yourself…

Friday, September 1, 2017


For those of us who live far enough north to worry about snow, Labor Day signifies the end of summer, the beginning of fall colors, and the advent of cold winter days. It is a day dedicated to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the American worker and the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our great country.

Research show us that great leaders live with an attitude of gratitude and that every day is celebrated. Workers feel that they are a part of something larger then themselves, that the vision is clear, the workers are valued, and they have a voice which is heard. From the leader, a simple thank you, job well done, a pat on the back, a brief conversation about life outside the office, pays great dividends without a cost… and yet, void of such a culture costs a great deal.

So this holiday weekend take time to consider how to celebrate “Labor Day” more than once a year, and perhaps the “winters” won’t be as harsh…

Be good to yourself…