Friday, August 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!  The Krause Quips have returned. These reflective Quips are written weekly August through June. They are simply intended to add some humor, encouragement, and/or topics for your consideration.  Sharing is encouraged; just give credit where credit is due.

Recently I read an excerpt from Seven Choices for Success and Significance by Nido R. Qubein. The first thing that struck me was a word in the title. Can you guess which jumped out at me? As a leader, there are times when there’s an overwhelming feeling that events dictate to US our course rather than the importance of the CHOICES we make!

He goes on to highlight strategies which we’ve all heard ad nauseaum, but are worth repeating for reflection as a new year is about to begin.

1.    Have a clear vision of what it is you want to accomplish – and share the vision OFTEN with those who are expected to carry it out.
2.    Develop a solid strategy that answers – Who or what are we TODAY? – Who/what do we want to become? – How do we get there - and how do we know we arrived?
3.    Employ PRACTICAL systems to achieve goals.
4.    Commit to consistent execution.

He goes on to simply boil things down to the three “Ds”:

·      Decide what you want most to achieve
·      Determine the first steps of getting what you want.
·      Do the first thing that will start you moving toward your goal.

As things begin to swirl about you, as they certainly will do in these 1st few weeks, CHOOSE what it is you’re really focused on this year, stay focused…you DO have a choice!

Be good to yourself…welcome back!

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